Friday, 11/14/14 WOD

“Grace+Cindy”= Hope’s Birthday Workout



10-8-6-4-2 of:

Clean and Jerk (95/135)

In between each set you must perform 2 rounds of:

5 pullups

10 pushups

15 air squats

Warn up:

50 double unders/150 singles

4×20 pullovers

Old Stretch

Clean and jerk skill work

Wod specific warm up:

3×3 c&j (light to workout weight)

5 reps of: ring rows, toes to bar, pullups


KK 29:13 (55/kn/bands)

Sarena 31:27 (55/band/bands)

JMac 30:26 (65)

Hope 25:33 (75)

Jessy 27:18 (35/kn/b)

Guru (mod)

Lindsay 21:28 (55)

Dannelle 20:12 (55/kn/rr)

Chelce 21:43 (45/kn/b)

Michael 22:30 (65/kn/rr)

Shannon 19:46 (65/b)

Otter 21:40 (135)

Max 33:03 (115)

Andy 20:50 (75/b)

Han 21:05 (45/b/b)

Hunter 18:27 (105)

Yess 26:22 (75/kn/b)

Des 23:55 (95)

Roberto 12:14 (mod)

Anthony 11:47 (135)

Fran 21:09 (95)


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