Monday, 1/12/15 WOD

“Lindsay’s Birthday Workout” 35 ball slams (20/30) 35 box jumps (20/24) 35 kettlebell swings (16/24) 35 goblet squats (16/24) 35 pullups Warm up: 35 mountain climbers (prison rules) 2×35 pull overs Old stretch pull up progression Times: Ivonne 13:38 (8/rr_ Roberto 11:44 (mod) JMac 14:22 (16) Adriana 9:24 (16) Randy 9:59 (16) Anthony 7:40 (24) Lindsay 10:24 (12) Shannon 13:26 (16) Juarez 12:54 (20) Jimmy nft Kristen 15:56 (12+/b) J-Net 15:25 (12/b) Cristy 13:39 (16) Bo 13:13 (20/24in) Ruth 12:30 (16) Hunter 11:07 (24) Han 13:06 (16/b) Des 10:26 (16) McC 10:32 (24) Andy 13:09 (16) B 11:46 (12) Stacey 12:52 (16) D 12:29 (16/b) Otter 11:31 (24) CQ 13:04 (16) Sean 13:31 (24) Susan 15:21 (12/rr) Herman 19:15 (16/12/b) Intro: Colby 8:29 Jake 4:49 “Diane” Anthony 5:48    ...

Sunday, 1/11/15 WOD

“Diane” 21-15-9 Hand stand pushups Deadlift (155/225) Diane is one of the many benchmark WODs named after girls. These workouts form a common ground for CrossFitters around the world. So naturally, we want to see how we measure up against the competition.With these workouts, everyone in the nation is competing with the exact same rules and movements. If you can’t deadlift the required amount above, take your 1RM deadlift and multiply it by 70%. Wall walks or kb strict press are the substitutes for hand stand pushups. Rochelle 6:51 (65) kb Leah 6:50 (75) kb Brook 6:22 (115) kb Cat 7:04 (55) kb Amber 6:40 (65) kb Herman 6:23 (95) kb Susan 7:01 (65) kb Sean 11:41 (225) hspu Andy 9:51 (135) hspu Han  8:27 (75) hspu Maiya 9:39 (155) hspu Vicki 6:30 (135) hspu Sebastian 9:48 (135) hspu Chris 9:36 (225) hspu JMac 8:11 (115) hspu...

Saturday, 1/9/15 WOD

50 double unders/150 singles then 10-9-8-7…..1 of: Toes to bar Hang power snatches (55/75) then 50 double unders/150 singles Warm up: 50 mountain climbers (prison rules) shoulder/hip/ ankle mobility Jump rope skill Toe to bar progression Hang power snatch drill Anthony 11:42 (95) Hunter 16:31 (75) Liz 15:32 (55) Han 16:00 (35) Karen 14:05 (45) D 16:36 (50) Brooke 16:24 (55) Ivonne 14:39 (25) Chris 12:32 (75) Otter 14:32 (75) Cristy 11:22 (55) Jennifer 14:38 (45)  ...

Friday, 1/9/15 WOD

“Karen”  150 wall balls (14/20) Warm up: 500 meter row 50 double unders/150 singles Old stretch Hip mobility work Christy 11:40 (6) Isa 15:16 (6) Kristen 12:28 (65) Maiya 13:32 (14) Ivonne 14:01 (4) JMac 14:59 (10) Stacey 14:41 (12) Cristy 12:29 (10) Guru 9:23 (10) Max 14:42 (20) Jimmy 12:44 (20) David 18:42 (14) Ruth 10:55 (10) Han 14:13 (8) McC 10:22 (20) Otter 11:01 (20) Des 12:58 (14) Jess 15:15 (4) D 15:29 (10) Roberto 9:58 (ball slams) Baseline: Mensch 4:40 Strength: Hunter McC Han Ruth Jimmy Max Cristy Stacey Anthony    ...

Thursday, 1/8/15 WOD

EMOM in 10 minutes of: 1 clean and jerk @85-90% of your one rep max rest 5 minutes CrossFit Baseline workout: 500 meter row 40 air squats 30 situps 20 pushups 10 pullups Warm up: 500 meter row 3×20 pull overs Hip and shoulder mobility work Clean and jerk skill work Wod Specific warm up: 5×3 c&j (light to workout weight) Sarena (75) 7:12 Karen (115 dl) 7:23 Maiya (125) 5:11 Hope (85) 6:04 JMac (85) Brianna (65) 6:39 Juarez (125) 4:51 Guru 6:58 Ivonne ? Randy ? 5:25 Bo ? 4:15 McC (125) 4:32 Han (65) 6:13 Hunter (145) 4:28 Cristy (85) 6:00 Ruth (75) 6:33 Andy (85) 6:51 Max (165) 6:23 Deskins (95) 7:20 Jimmy (195) 5:03 Chris (185) 4:13 Stacey (105) 6:14 D (75) 5:54 Anthonu (205) 3:50...
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