Tuesday, 6/25/2019

A. EMOM for 12 minutes

Minute 1: 1-2 bar muscle ups from hanging position ( if you fail, attempt up to 3, focusing on bringing hips to the bar)

Minute 2: 4 Turkish get ups, total (light weight)

Minute 3: 10 total jumping squats

B. For time:

200 meter run

40 single arm overhead lunges, total (kb 16/24; db 35/50;  rx+ 24/32 – 50/70)

10 burpees

200 meter run

40 goblet squats (kb 16/24; db 35/50; rx+ 24/32 – 50/70)

10 burpees

200 meter run

40 alternating snatches (kb 16/24; db 35/50; rx+ 24/32 – 50/70)

10 burpees

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