Thursday, 7/24/2014 WOD

10-9-8….1 of:



Kettle bell clean and jerk, (16/24) each arm.

Kettle bell walking lunges (prison rules)

Warm up:

400 meter run

50 double unders/ 200 singles

Kettle bell c&j skill work

Wod Specific warm up:

3 rds not for time of:

10 lateral lunges

10 kb sit ups (total)

5 kb c&j  each arm (light to workout weight)

Karen 16:52 (8)

Brian 12:03 (16) 1/2

Lydia 12:20 (8) 1/2

Tracy 20:17 (mod)

Sophie 14:32 (8)

KK 14:34 (8)

Dan 17:58 (12)

Melissa 9:40 (mod)

Smiley 18:49 (24)

Anthony 15:04 (24)

Jim 28:24 (12)

Yess 18:54 (8)

Shaira 18:04 (12)

Stacey 22:43 (16)

Alan 16:14 (16)

Phil 18:21 (16)

Des 22:03 (12)

Andy 19:43 (12)

Trevor 16:29 (24)

Brook 11:02 (mod)

Max 20:52 (16)




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