Thursday, 11/30/2017

Martha has accepted the Challenge

Martha has accepted the Challenge

Forget about having 100 people doing the challenge.
Ask Roberto about the new plan
C.- Pick one element from today’s Oly session
at 40 past the hour
10-9-8…1 of:
Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull (16/24)
Ring pushups
*EMOM for the duration of the workout, perform 3 goblet squat
(Workout starts with 3 goblet squat)

Oly.- Day 6
Power Snatch + Snatch – 65%x (1+2) x 2, 70%x (1+2) x 3 (% of power snatch)
Jerk – 70%x3x2, 75%x3x3
Clean Pull – 90%x7x2, 90%x5x3
Back Squat – 60%x8, 65%x8, 70%x6, 75%x6x2

N.- 5K Row

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