Friday, 10/25/2013 WOD


Colleen  (Australian football Champ, four years in a row)

(Australian football Champ, four years in a row)

For Time:
10, 9, 8, 7…..1
Wall Balls (14/20)

Go Fast!

Warm Up:
170 M Run
15 Burpees
30 Situps
45 Air Squats
170 M Run

Team Stretch

WOD Specific Warm Up:
5×5 Burpees and VUps
10 Wall Balls in between-start light and work up to work out weight


Ed 10:35

Robert 9:56

Christine 11:31

Jose 6:57

Milton 7:36

Mario 7:51

Javi 9:32

Stacey 13:45

Hannah 10:10

Caileigh 9:11

Carim 12:02

Roberto 10:19

Sean 11:00

Scott 10:33 (ball slams)



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