Friday, 2/19/2021

A. Take 15 minutes to find a heavy Curtis P Curtis P= 1 power clean + 1 lunge (each leg) + 1 push press B. AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 2 strict press + 3 push press + 4 jerks (pick a weight to go unbroken) 8 toes to bar 12 wall balls (14/20) C. 7 minute...

Wednesday, 2/17/2021

A. E2MOM for as necessary as possible Starting with an empty barbell (35/45), athletes will perform one single overhead squat, adding 20 pounds after each successful squat. After finding a max overhead squat, the athlete will continue adding weight, but now will be performing a single front squat every 2 minutes. Once finding a max front squat, the athlete will continue adding weight, but now will be performing a single back squat every 2 minutes. After finding a max back squat, the athlete will either row, ski or bike, until the last athlete in the class is done squatting. Alternative workout: At the start of the E2MOM, AMRAP (until last athlete in the class is squatting) of: 10 push ups 15 sit ups 20 squats C. 7 minute...

Tuesday, 2/16/2021

A. 3 rounds NFT of: 5 heavy Russian kettlebell swings 5 strict ring dips B. AMRAP in 5 minutes of: Buy in: 30 cal. Bike, Ski or Row With time remaining, max rounds of: 12 deadlifts (155/225) 12 burpees over the bar Rest 5 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes Buy in: 30 cal. B/S/R 8 deadlifts (185/275) 8 burpees over the bar Rest 5 minutes AMRAP in 5 minutes Buy in: 30 cal. B/S/R 4 deadlifts (205/315) 4 burpees over the bar C. 7 minute...

Monday, 2/15/2021

A. 3 rounds nft of: 12 to 18 feet hand stand walk or 45 to 60 second hands stand hold or 50 feet bear crawl 10 bicep curls, each arm B. For time 4 rounds of: 4 kettlebell snatches + 4 single arm kb overhead lunges, total (16/24) (left arm) 4 kettlebell snatches + 4 single arm kb overhead lunges, total (16/24) ( right arm) 4 strict pull ups 40 double unders/ 120 singles C. 7 minute...
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