Tuesday, 7/21/2020

A. 3 rounds NFT of: 5 v-ups 5 good morning (35/45) 5 strict press (35/45) B. In 27 minutes Run 1 mile 150 double unders/350 singles AMRAP with the remaining time 2-4-6-8… Single arm Dumbbell or kb shoulder to overhead, total (34/50) (16/24) Deadlifts...

Monday, 7/20/2020

A. Clean and jerk 6×4 @ 60% B. For time 15 front squats (60% of c/j) 200 meter run 25 burpees over the bar 30 abmat sit ups 400 meter run 30 abmat sit ups 25 burpees over the bar 200 meter run 15 front...
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