Saturday, 7/27/2019

“Partner Workou: In any order you like, and splitting reps as you see fit, each team must complete: 100 calories on bike 100 wall balls 100 ball slams 100 ghd sit ups *both athletes can work at the same...

Friday, 7/26/2019

A. For time 3 rounds of “Cindy” (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats) 2 rounds of “Nancy” 400 meter run 15 overhead squats (65/95) Last round of “Fran” 9 thrusters (65/95) 9 pull ups “Half Annie” 30, 20, 10 Double unders Sit...

Tuesday, 7/23/2019

A. 3 sets NFT of: 5 squat therapy squats (Face the wall, raise your hands and squat below parallel) 5 snatch balance, starting with an empty bar. Add weight after each set 25 feet hand stand walk or 3 wall walks B. 3 min running clock 21 calorie row or ride 21 burpee over the bar AMRAP overhead squats (55/75) Rest 3 minutes C. 3 min running clock 18 calorie row or ride 18 burpees over the bar AMRAP overhead squats (65/95) Rest 3 minutes D. 3 min running clock 15 calorie row or ride 15 burpees over the bar AMRAP overhead squats (80/115) Rest 3 minutes E. 3 min running clock 12 calorie row or ride 12 burpees over the bar AMRAP overhead squats...
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