Wednesday, 6/26/2019

A. Bench press 5×5 (add weight after each set) 250 meter row sprint or 350 on bike after each set of bench press B. 3 rounds of 400 meter run 30 wall balls (14/20) (20/30 rx+) 20 box jumps (20/24) (24/30 rx+) 10 ring dips (rx +, from muscle up...

Tuesday, 6/25/2019

A. EMOM for 12 minutes Minute 1: 1-2 bar muscle ups from hanging position ( if you fail, attempt up to 3, focusing on bringing hips to the bar) Minute 2: 4 Turkish get ups, total (light weight) Minute 3: 10 total jumping squats B. For time: 200 meter run 40 single arm overhead lunges, total (kb 16/24; db 35/50;  rx+ 24/32 – 50/70) 10 burpees 200 meter run 40 goblet squats (kb 16/24; db 35/50; rx+ 24/32 – 50/70) 10 burpees 200 meter run 40 alternating snatches (kb 16/24; db 35/50; rx+ 24/32 – 50/70) 10...

Monday, 6/24/2019

“Joey’s Birthday Workout” In teams of three, with a 45 minute running clock AMRAP of Power Cleans, rotating every 10 reps. (95/135) Calories on Bike Athlete 1 starts on the bar Athlete 2 starts on the bike Athlete 3 rests until athlete 1 finishes his or her 10 power cleans. Then athletes rotate any direction they want. Score is total number of power cleans and calories For teams of two athletes, rest 1 full minute after the set of 10 power...
Sunday, 6/23/2019

Sunday, 6/23/2019

“Pedro 66” 3 Rounds for Time22 calorie Row22 Shoulder-to-Overheads (95/65 lb)22 Pull-Ups22 Back Squats (95/65 lb)22 Sit-UpsCash-Out: 5 Push-Ups Do not use a weight rack. Take the barbell from the ground. On 9 June 2010, the crew of Pedro 66 and Pedro 67 responded to a call for help in the southern province of Afghanistan. It would be their 2nd combat rescue of the day. When Pedro 67 landed to pick up a critically injured marine, Pedro 66 came under enemy fire. In the engagement, Pedro 66 tail rotor was taken out and she sprung out of control impacting the ground from 150 feet at 120 knots. 1 Combat Rescue Officer (Capt. Joel Gentz), 2 Pararescuemen (Tsgt Micheal Flores/SrA Benjamin White) died on impact. Flight Engineer SSgt David Smith died moments later; Pilot Capt. David Wisniewski died weeks later from his injuries suffered. Capt. Anthony Simone and MSgt Christopher Aguilera are the only 2 survivors. The workout was designed by Christopher Aguilera and Coach Ty Yamasaki at CrossFit Veni Vidi Vici @crossfitvenividivici (Henderson, NV), who said these movements were chosen because they “weren’t liked by my guys when we worked out.” 3 rounds, 22 reps equals 66 as in Pedro 66. The 5 movements for the five men lost that day, and one push-up for...
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