Wednesday, 8/27/2014 WOD

3 rounds of:  20 ball slams (20/30) 30 situps 400 meter run Warm up: 800 meter run Ankle and hip mobility. Running drill Lydia NFT Mayra 20:32 Sabrina 17:52 Roberto 12:35 JMac 14:26 Anthony 11:03 Anthony 11:03 Yess 15:01 Juarez 12:57 Guru Dan 15:11 Ale 14:54 Nicole 19:02 Shaira 12:31 Stacey 15:31 Shannon 14:47 Maus 12:02 Jared 12:38 Gordon 10:55 Andy 12:33 Mike 13:44 D 14:22 Juarez 13:10 Chiri 12:24 Eric 15:35 Utah 11:25 CQ 13:20 Jennifer 16:11 Max 15:31 Laura 16:04 Salena 19:15 Ashley 13:54  ...

Tuesday, 8/26/2014 WOD

Colorado Open Workout#1 4 rounds of: 15 pullups (chin over) 15 Kettle bell overhead lunges (16/24) 15 box overs (20/24) Warm up: 400 meter run 500 meter row 50 double unders/150 singles then 3 rds of: 3  single leg raise  (each leg) 5 hanging pull through on 1st round, 5 ring rows on 2nd round, 5 pullups on 3rd 5 box jump 6 lunges (total, starting with light kb, and up to workout weight) Abby 14:59 Keila 16:50 Andy 12:56 Karen 13:05 JMac 16:12 Oyla 10:00 (mod) Anthony 9:20 Juarez 13:22 Utah 9:43 Stacey 16:52 Jennifer 17:34 Ruth 13:08 Des 16:37 Gus 14:51 Jesse 17:27 Gordon 14:36 Mike 14:42 Chris 15:27 Roberto 12:09 Jim 24:18...

Monday, 8/25/2014 WOD

For time: 15 clean and jerk (65/95) 20 wall ball (14/20) 10 clean and jerk (75/115) 20 wall ball (14/20) 5 clean and jerk (85/135) 20 wall ball (14/20) Warm up: 1000 meter row Old stretch Keila 11:16 (mod) Abby 11:09 (85) Nicole (75) Lydia 7:41 (mod) Joel 7:09 (mod) Sarena 6:50 (mod) Roberto 10:36 (135) JMac 14:22 (85) Shannon 11:55 (65) Heather 15:03 (65) Guru Dan 11:33 (115) Juarez 10:48 (105) Utah 8:23 (135) Jared 8:52 (95) Ruth 10:25 (75) Phil 12:13 (135) Yess 9:14 (mod) McC 7:50 Anthony 7:22 Jim 10:34 (135) Des 14:05 (85) D 14:29 (65) Ale 11:13 (85) Andy 12:34 (65) CQ 11:35 (85) Sean 6:45 (135) Nate 8:32 (135) Olya 4:56 (mod) Salena 4:53 (modO...

Saturday, 8/23/2014 WOD

1 mile run for time (4×400 Meters) Rest 3 Minutes then 3 Rounds 500 M Row, 1 Minute Rest Warm Up: 400 M Run 60 Double Unders/180 Singles Stretch: 3 Rounds 10 Reps Ankle Joint Mobility 10 Air Squats 10 Ring...

Friday, 8/22/2014 WOD

EMOM for 12 Minutes 3 Front Squats (95/135) 4 Strict KB Press (Heavy) Warm Up: 500 M Row 200 M Run Stretch: 3 Rounds KB Squat hold, 10 seconds 5 Front Squats-start light and work up 10 Pass Throughs 10 Around the Worlds 5 Strict KB Press-start light and work up Desert: 3 Rounds 30 Second Bicycles 10 Sec Rest 30 Sec Slow Mountain Climbers 10 Sec...
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