July 4th

We will be having a 10 a.m.  workout on Friday July 4!!!! All other classes will be cancelled that day. Hoping you can join us. Happy Independence Day!!!!!!    ...

Thursday, 6/26/2014 WOD

WOD: 21-15-9 Double KB Thruster (16/24) Pullups (no bands today-use ring rows as the alternative; get as horizontal as you can while maintaining full rom) Warm Up: 50 Double Unders/150 Singles Team Stretch 3 Rounds 20 Second Goblet Squat 8 Ring Rows (make sure you get full range of motion) 20 Second Pull Up Hang WOD Specific Warm Up: 3×5 Double KB Thruster (focus on speed through the middle), Pullups Sarena 8:24 (15 lbs) rr JMac 9:57 (8)) Brian 9:14 (12) rr John 7:20 (16) rr Maus 8:54 (16)rr Caithlyn 6:30 (8) rr Tyler 6:30 (8lbs) rr Lester NFT Abel 9:37 (16) Roberto 7:37 (16) Dan 12:14 (12) rr Anthony 9:02 (20) Jim 8:08 (12) rr McC 7:30 (16) Des W 10:39 (8) rr Kerri 10:47 (8) rr Ale 7:40 (12) rr Andy 8:35 (10 lbs) rr Fabian 5:36 (8) rr Abby 6:35 (8) Sean 6:00 (16) rr Laura 7:20 (10 lbs) rr Caroline...

Wednesday, 6/25/2014 WOD

CrossFit and Ninja WOD: Partner Workout This workout will take place outside. One partner must sprint row while the other partner works. 4 Rounds for Time 5 Tire Flips 100 M Sprint 100 M Farmer’s Carry (16/24) Warm Up: 200 M Run 250 M Row Stretch 3 Rounds 10 Straight Leg Raises with Core Activation (5 each leg) 15 Single Leg Squat Patterns (5 each position) 5 Deadlifts WOD Specific Warmup: 3×3 Tire Flips, 50 M Sprint, Farmer’s Carry Times: Nate/Lydia/Mayra 19:52 Andy/Ale 18:13 Gary/Brian 19:29 Abby/Maus/Anthony 18:15 Josh/Dan 18:09 Trevor/John 15:45 Ruth/Phil 18:58 Utah/McC/Sophie/CFC 19:10 Han/Hunter 16:35 D/Des W/Chiri 17:00 Roberto/Gordon 16:52 Jessica/Laura 14:35 Javier/Nalleli...

Tuesday, 6/24/2014 WOD

WOD: 10 to 1 Power Clean (95/135) Burpees 200 M Run Warm Up: 400 M Run Team Stretch 2 Rounds 10 Triplanar Hip Extension twist (each leg) 10 Russian KB Swings WOD Specific Warm Up: 3-5 Rounds 3 Position Clean drill-start light progressing up in weight 10 Arm Over THE(each side) 10 Triplanar Hip Extension with PVC (each side) Times: Sarena 30:06 (mod) Smiley 27:39 (135) Abel 31:57 (135) Anthony 24:34 (135) JMac 35:27 (65) Abby 30:56 (95) Brian 30:31 (95/mod) Lester 24:47 (65/mod) Sean 25:10 (115) Roberto 28:09 (135) Dan 33:04 (65) Trevor 24:19 (135) Maus 30:04 (135) Jim 20:46 (95/mod) Utah 26:18 (135) Chiri 25:29 (95) Bo 31:00 (95) Senior ? (135) Des W 30:18 (65) Alejandra 17:16 (mod) Andrea 17:16 (kb) Tom 13:54 (kb) Shaleise 14:04 (kb) Jessica 14:25 (kb) Kerri 29:09 (kb) Laura 15:00 (kb) Kids Corner: Javier Leah...

Monday, 6/23/2014 WOD

CrossFit WOD: 5 Rounds for time 5 Squat Snatch (75/105) (scaled: hanging squat snatch or power snatch from the box and KB OHS) 10 Straight Leg Raises (scaled: knee raises to 90 degrees, try not to round lower back) 5 Strict HSPU (scaled: Strict Barbell Press, heavy) Ninja WOD: 4 Rounds for Time 400 M Run 30 Stick Jumps 10 Barbell Rollouts 20 Push Press (55 or 65lbs) Warm Up: 60 Double Unders/180 Singles Team Stretch 3 Rounds 2 10′ Crab Walk forward and backward 10 Glute Bridge WOD Specific Warm Up: 3×5 Snatch Balance (PVC, Barbell, Light Wt Barbell) 3×5 Squat Snatch, Leg Raises, SHSPU or Barbell Strict Press (start light and work up to workout weight) or 200 M Run, then 3×5 Strict Jumps, Barbell Rollouts, Push Press Times: JMac 13:50 (55/press) Nate 14:41 (105/press/kb ohs) Mayra 15:09 (35/press/kb ohs) Shaira 11:24 (85 squat clean/hspu) Maus 12:33 (105/hspu) Smiley 11:59 (70/hspu) KK 12:42 (35/press/kb ohs) Analisa 15:37 (75/press) Alli 12:19 (35/press) Dan 12:58 (65/press) Sophie 14:30 (55/press) Chiri 9:31 (75/press) Utah 10:20 (105 /hspu) McC 10:23 (95/hspu) Trevor 15:03 (75/press) Alec 12:21 (115/hspu) Phil 15:56 (75/press) Ruth 12:52 (35/press) Anthony 11:28 (105/press) Gordon 9:38 (85/press) Bo 15:13 (65/press) CQ 15:22 (55/press) Tom 7:59 (75/press) Carolyn 15:38 (25/press) Shaleise 14:36 (20/press) Dani 11:13 (55/press) Ninja: D 26:16 Des W 25:15 Jim 17:56 Allison 21:13 McC...
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