Wednesday, 4/1/2020

Wishing this was an April’s fool joke, but Day 16 of the stupid coronavirus shutdown

A. Challenges

Squats = 370

Push ups = rest day

Double unders = 30

10k kb swings

5 rounds of:

10 swings

10 sit ups

15 swings

10 sit ups

25 swings

10 sit ups

50 swings

10 sit ups

B. Bodyweight workout (zoom at 9am, 4pm, 7pm)

Buy in: 100 double unders/ jumping jacks/ 400 meter run


21-15-9 of:

Hand stand push ups or elevated push ups

Jumping lunges (left+right = 1)

Sit ups

Cash out: 100 double unders

C. Deadlifts


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