Saturday, 1/31/2015 WOD

Day 12 of the 100 day burpee challenge (78)




21-15-9 of:

Power clean (95/135)

Ring dips

Warm up:

400 meter run/500 meter row

3×25 pull overs

Ankle, hip and shoulder mobility

Power clean skill work

Wod specific warm up:

5×3 power cleans (light to workout weight)

3×5 dips


3 rounds for time of:

20 weighted situps (20)

20 russian twists, prison rules (20)

Michi 3+15 (Intro)
Vince 3+18 (Intro)
Susan 12:04 (75)
Herman 12:42 (75)
Shandra 9:49 (95)
Colby 10:01 (135)
Brian 11:26 (135)
D 13:14 (80)
Juarez 11:30 (135)
Cristy 8:49 (95)
Michael 11:22 (135)
Anthony 6:53 (135)

Roberto 9:14 (135)

Barbells class:
Michael Ortega
Chris Juarez – PR Overhead Squat 95lbs
Desiree Preister-PR Overhead Squat 80 lbs

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