Monday, 4/27/2020

Day 42 of the stupid coronavirus shutdown

From Guru’s chest

Part A:
5 sets of 4 reps front squat, 70-80%

Part B:
Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes
400m run
4 bent over rows, heavy
10 goblet squats, heavy

A quick welcome back from the weekend 🙂
Try and keep your elbows up as high as you can in the front squat and pay attention to what your back is doing. If you’re feeling stress/aches/pain in your lower back take some time to set up netural back before you squat. Engage your butt, guts and shoulders/upper back. Engaging your lats and scapula muscles keeps your upper back solid, which makes your lower back have to do less work and should help with keeping your elbows up.
Make sure you warm up and stretch before running. If you’ve been sitting around a lot at home, your muscles, ligaments and tendons are going to be tighter than normal. If you haven’t figured out distances for running, now is a good time, its going to be a million degrees this week and there is more running comming up :). You can map out runs here if you need a site for that.
We’re looking to build some strength with these rows today, go as heavy as you can while keeping good form. You aren’t helping yourself if your back is rounding, you’re standing up too tall (not hinged far) or you’re swinging your hips all over the place. Keep everything nice and solid, focus on using your lats like crazy to move the bar.
Just like everything else today, think about what your upper back is doing in the goblet squats. Don’t just flex your beefy biceps and forget about everything else 😛 . Knees out, straight back, these will probably be the hardest part of the workout.

Summary: weight down, reps up.

Leave the run alone, we want that to take as long as it takes 🙂
The bent over rows and goblet squats you can drop the weights. Dropping the weight means add some more reps, don’t just rip out a few light reps without working up a sweat.
Since this is on a timer, the more reps you add, the faster you’ll need to go when doing them. If your reps look/feel bad, drop the number down; decent looking/feeling reps that aren’t as fast as they could be are going to be more useful than flopping around at high speed 😉

Front squat:
These can be done with a barbell or dumbbells.
Tempo squats: only do these with light or no weight. 5 sets of 5 reps, 3 seconds down, 3 seconds up. Focus on everything being as perfect as you can make it.
Goblet squats: if you want to do these twice today, go ahead. Do this first set slow and very controlled. Think about where your knees are and what your back is doing.

Any cardio for 2-2:30 minutes.
Jump rope: single unders, 2 minutes. If you have or want to work on double unders, do those.
Mountain climbers: count how many you do in 2 minutes in the first round, hit that number for the rest of the rounds.

Bent over rows:
Anything from here
Chest to bar: 8 reps. Get yourself up nice and high, focus on your lats doing the work.
Strict pull ups: think about engaging your abs during these. It will make them a little harder but you’ll get much better work out of your back muscles 🙂

Goblet squats:
These can be any kind of weight squat you want, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, whatever.
If you’re using a single kettlebell, go as heavy as you can.
If you’re using a barbell or multiple kettlebells/dumbbells use lighter weights. For a barbell use 30-40% of your 1 rep.

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