Friday, 6/26/2015 WOD

In House Competition and anniversary celebration Saturday, July 11. 

Registration for the competition closes on July 1
3-3-3-3-3 of Deadlift @70-75% rope climb class
at 35 past the hour
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
1 rope climb
3 box jump overs
5 ring pushups
at the 10 minute mark
AMRAP in 7 minutes of
7 kb snatches, left arm (16/24)
7 kb snatches, right arm (16/24)
7 ball slams (20/30)
Heather 7/5+5
3D 7+1/5+20 mod
Cynthia 5+3/5+1 mod
Amy 9+1/4+18 sc
Randy 7+2/4+1 sc
CQ 7/5 sc
Kellyn 8+1/5+14 sc
Joel 6/4+3 sc
Bull 7/4+16 sc
Guru 7+5/4+17 sc
Juarez 7/4+11 sc
Q 4+4/4+7 sc
Sarah 6/4+4 sc
KK 5+4/5+15 sc
Ray 3+1/2+14 5 min
Gonzo 6/4+5 sc
Andrew 6+8/5+19 sc
Christy 8+4/5+10 sc
Sarena 7+1/7 sc
Michi 6/3+7 sc
Herman 6+1/6 sc
Vince 7/3 sc
D 7/5+7 sc
Susan 5+4/4+9


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