Tuesday, 1/27/2015 WOD

Day 8 of the 100 day burpee challenge (36) EMOM for 6 minutes of: 3 thrusters (95/135) at the 10 minute mark: 30-20-10 of: Kettlebell snatches (16/24) Situps Warm up: 800 meter run/1000 meter row Shoulder and hip mobility Kettlebell progression Wod specific warm up: 5×3 thrusters (light to workout weight) Times: Christy (mod) Karen (45) 5:56 Maiya (95) 4:17 Veronica (mod) Michael (95) 5:40 Vicki (mod) Sean (95) 5:03 Kristen (65) 5:40 Juarez (135) 5:40 Analisa (85) 5:07 Chelce (45) 6:44 Bo (95) 4:03 Brett (135) 4:47 Bull (115) 5:53 Cristy (95) 5:09 KitKat (35) 5:11 Herman (65) 6:51 Andy (95) 5:40 Kevin (135) 5:43 Abby (95) 5:17 KK (45) 5:01 Jimmy (135) 5:43 D (65) 6:00 Jennifer (55) 5:41 Shaira (85) 5:16 Cait (55) 5:09 Cori (55) 6:05 Han (65) 4:35 CQ (90) 4:44 Mark (95) 4:30 Brianna (65) 5:33 Ale (65) 6:20 Hunter (115) 4:24 Chris (135) 4:19 McC (125) 4:20 Ron (115) 4:45 Ruth (75) 5:33 Adriana (85) 4:14 Intro: Vince 7:09 Jamie 7:11 Strength: Ruth CQ Cristy Chris...

Monday, 1/26/2015 WOD

Day 7 of the 100 day burpee challenge (28)  “Stacey’s Birthday Workout” 11 rounds for time of: 4 pullups 4 push press (65/95) 4 total walking lunges (65/95) 4 over head squats (65/95) Warm up: 400 meter run 2×44 pull overs shoulder, ankle and hip mobility Pullup progression 3×3 over head squat (light to workout weight) Times: Jeff 13:38 (95) Maiya 15:41 (65) Mensch 26:19 (95) T2 19:01 (75) JMac 28:07 (95) Han 21:34 (45/b) Tess nft Lawrence nft Anthony 12:28 (95/2 mu) Chelce 17:24 (35/15/rr) Jimmy 19:34 (95/rr) Guru 17:21 (45/15/rr) KK 18:29 (15/b) Stacey 21:50 (65) Ruth 22:42 (55) Cristy 13:43 (55) Shaira 16:16 (mod) Phil 19:19 (95/45/rr) D 26:11 (55) Otter 25:30 (95) Andy 26:11 (65) Yess 30:17 (65) Chris 16:25 (95) McC 18:11 (95) Des 18:01 (65) Ale 24:30 (65) Juliet 16:56 (mod) Adriana 18:50 Intro: Angela nft Mark 6:19...

Sunday, 1/25/2015 WOD

Day 6 of the 100 day burpee challenge “McGhee”  Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Ga. This was his fourth deployment, his first to Iraq. Ryan was engaged to Ashleigh Mitchell of Fredericksburg, VA. He is survived by his father Steven McGhee of Myrtle Beach S.C., his mother Sherrie Battle McGhee, and his brother Zachary. As many rounds as possible in 30 min 275 pound Deadlift, 5 reps 13 Push-ups 9 Box jumps, 24 inch box Warm up: 400 meter run Old stretch Single leg raise with core activation 5×3 deadlift (light to workout weight) Rounds: Gordon 11 (225) Otter 10+13 (255) Liz 16+1 (135) Juarez 9+2 (205) Vicki 15+3 (145) Adriana 12 (185) KK 8+5 (135) Cristy 12+5 (125) Roberto 14+1 (235) Intro: Vince 3+1 Michi 3+19 O-Lift: Jeff...

Saturday, 1/24/2015 WOD

“Day 5 of the 100 day burpee challenge” “Helen” 3 rounds for time of: 400 meter run 21 kettlebell swings (16/24) 12 pullups Warm up: 400 meter run 20 russian twists, prison rules  (20) Old stretch Kb warm up Pullup progression Time:: Karla 8:18 (1/2) Otter 16:27 (24) Adriana 12:27 (16) McC 11″08 (24) Mark 12:28 (mod) Randy 11:53 (16) Herman 15:08 (16/B) Intro: Jamie 6:05 Berbell: Juarez Strength:...

Friday, 1/23/2015

“Day 4 of the burpee challenge” 30 squat cleans (95/135) 30 burpees You must finish the 30 squat cleans before you start your burpees. However, while doing the squat cleans, every minute on the minute you must do two burpees, and when you are doing the burpees, every minute on the minute you must do a squat clean. Warm up: 500 meter row 3 x 20 pullovers Shoulder, hip and ankle mobility Wod specific warm up: 5×3 squat cleans (light to workout weight) Times: Jeff 6:57 (135) Kevin 9:57 (135) T2 9:28 (95) Hayes 9:51 (mod) Maiya 8:49 (95) Ivonne 9:47 (35) Adriana 6:13 (65) Veronica 6:30 (mod) Roberto 10:54 (135) JMac nft Tess 14:00 (45) Lawrence 12:55 (115) Hope 9:48 (75) CQ 9:35 (45) Brett 7:37 (135) Guru 10:42 (75) Leah 5:50 (mod) Juarez 11:46 (115) Stacey 11:48 (75) Abby 10:42 (95) D 11:00 (70) Des 9:38 (95) McC 8:30 (125) Chris 8:16 (135) Mark 9:12 (75) Yess 14:40 (75) Jess’s B-day wod: Jess 16:40 Thurdays: Anthony 6+20 (20/rc) Intro: Mich1 6:20 Vince 7:24  ...
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