Wednesday, 11/26/14 WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of: 6 dead lifts (125/185 12 pullups 12 burpees Warm Up: 500 meter row 4×20 pull overs Old stretch Pull up warm up 3×5 dead lift (light to workout weight) Kevin 4 (185/b) Kristen 4+6 (65/b) Angela 4+6 (65/b) Shea 4 (65/b) JNet 3+20 (65/b) Des 4+6 (125) Jessy 4+12 (95/b) JMac 3 (125) Andy 4+1 (125/b) Stacey 3+12 (125) Juarez 4+6 (185) Otter 4+6 (185) Smiley 5+24 (185) D 4+4 (115/b) Maus 3+20 (145) Jimmy 4+25 (185/rr) Shaira 3+12 (125) Ruth 3+14 (125/b) Phil 3+19 (185) Hunter 4+6 (185) Han 4+8 (95/rr) Roberto 5+12 (185) Chris 4+3 (185)...

Tuesday, 11/25/14 WOD

For time:  20-18-16….2  wall balls (14/20) 1-2-3-4….10 power snatches (65/95) Warm up: 50 mountain climbers (prison rules) 20 russian kb swings (8/12) Old stretch Wod Specific warm up: 10 pvc pass throughs 3×5 power snatch 3×5 wall ball Times: Christy 21:01 (6/45) Karen 23:15 (8/45) Andy 24:14 (12/65) Sarena 22:27 (10/45) Des 23:31 (12/65) Angela 19:13 (4/35) Jessy 17:16 (6/45) Sean 17:30 (20/95) Robert 18:39 (20/95) Johnny 16:27 (20/95) D 24:00 (10/45) JMac 34:26 (12/65) Carlos 18:27 (20/95) Tony 13:57 (20/95) Otter 23:52 (20/95) Smiley 18:23 (20/95) Juarez 23:07 (20/95) Stacey 22:18 (20/95) Shaira 21:38 (20/95) Ruth 21:46 (10/65) Bo 15:45 (14/65) Jimmy 20:22 (20/95) Hunter 21:49 (20/95) Phil 19:30 (20/45) Han 22:58 (mod) McC 16:03 (20/85) Roberto 19:19 (20/95) Chris 18:46 (20/95) Max 25:10 (20/95)  ...

Monday, 11/24/14 WOD

10 rounds for time of: 10 hand release pushups 10 air squats Farmers carry around the gym floor Warm up: 500 meter row 2×40 pullovers Old stretch 5 triplanar (front, side, twist) each leg 10 primal pull through Times: Sarena 15:58 (12) Han 15:15 (8) Hunter 12:52 (20) JMac 14:43 (12) Roberto 12:30 (24) Andy 12:56 (16) Jessy 12:24 (12/kn) Angela 12:35 (8/kn) Juarez 13:41 (24) Bull 13:48 (24) Lindsay 13:00 (16) Shannon 12:50 (16) D 11:58 (16) John 8:46 (24) Gordon 10:40 (24) Chris 9:52 (20) Stacey 12:59 (16) Ruth 12:38 (16) Jimmy 12:57 (24) McC 12:06 (24) Carlos 12:22 (24) Ricky 11:54 (24) Intro: Kristen J-net Shannon O-lift: Anthony...

Sunday, 11/23/14 WOD

“Rock” 3 Rounds of: 10 power cleans 15 box jumps 15 burpees 30 situps CQ Carlos Sean Des Abby Keila Andy Shannon Juarez Otter Gordon McC Ricky Jason David Romeo...

Saturday, 11/22/14 WOD

We will only be having classes at 9 and 10 am today. The barbell class is cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience. This weekend Anthony, Brett, Bo and Fran will be competing at the Turkey Challenge at MBS CrossFit. Good Luck, guys! Vamos, Vamos, Vamos!!!!!! AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 5 power cleans (95/135) 10 pushups 100 meter sprint Warm up: 50 mountain climbers (total) 50 single unders Old stretch Wod specific warm up: 50 meter high knees 50 meter butt kicks 3×5 power cleans (light to workout...
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